The study published by the UCI-PloNo coalition about the distribution of soil-lead in Santa Ana Masri, Shahir, Alana LeBrón, Michael Logue, Enrique Valencia, Abel Ruiz, Abigail Reyes, Jean M. Lawrence, and Jun Wu. “Social and Spatial Distribution of Soil Lead Concentrations in the City of Santa Ana, California: Implications for Health Inequities.” Science of The Total Environment 743 (November 15, 2020): 140764.
OCEJ’s upcoming events and more
UNICEF’s study about lead in children in the world
A history of lead poisoning and lead science in the United StatesLead Wars: The Politics of Science and the Fate of America’s Children. Accessed March 25, 2021.
About California’s policies regarding lead testing (and lead hazards) and their effectiveness “Childhood Lead Levels: Millions of Children in Medi‑Cal Have Not Received Required Testing for Lead Poisoning.” California State Auditor, January 2020.